Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tori Kelly - Dear No One (Official Video)


Independent, an adjective/ verb I use to describe myself.
I love Freedom. I love finding and discovering things out for myself.
I love rediscovering things I once knew. I love the freedom to be my truest self.
To let my childlike character through, while remembering my ‘adult-like’ self.
It’s a balance we must learn to walk; “combining” “both” natures in this present time.
We need to remember what it is we once loved to do.
We need to embrace our differences and varieties.
Our culture is so vast, why try to blend in?
~Be your Truest Self~

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Connect with your Heart

The Below Posting is From the Recording from "Pastor Ray Hagins" : "Connect With your Heart"

·         Listen to your Body -----
(It speaks to you every day. Listen to it. Your body is alive; it’s telling you “this is not a good environment for me” or “this doesn’t feel right to me” Your body is telling you listen to me. When you feel “passion” and alive” when your chest feels warm or when you feel joy, that’s your body speaking to you. It’s helping to navigate you through life. Learn to listen to it.
“Your body is saying I love you, but you ain’t loving me” “You’re running me down”
“Learn how to relax and massage yourself at home” Learn to RELAX. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.

We haven’t been taught how to Live.

Learn how to Listen to yourself.

Stop carrying other peoples’ baggage.

Ask yourself this question:
When you die, who’s gone carry their baggage?
Somebody else gonna have to carry it, so why wait ‘til you die? Stop carrying it now.

·         Intuition: “Knowing something without knowing how you know it”
Your gut feelings are a wealth of information for you.
Your Intuition is never wrong. That’s God’s way of guiding you.

The next time you need to make a decision,
Check in with your “Intuition”
-you don’t have to have a discussion
Your intuition already knows. Your intuition simply says ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Experiment with ‘trusting’ your intuition.

When you ‘hear’ it and disregard it, see what happens…
Every time I’ve ignored my intuition, I’ve paid for it….

·         Realize when you are sabotaging your own happiness or progress.
We have our own “saboteur” or voice inside us that prevents us from taking ‘risks’. It prevents us from making the changes in life that we need to be making.
--Notice or recognize when these negatives voices pop up…

·         Identify Beliefs that limit you, and get rid of them
Every one of us has beliefs that we live by, some we hold consciously, and others we hold subconsciously. Some develop through our interpretations of the experiences we go through.
Some of the experiences we go through are like being in a furnace. But nobody wants to go through the testing. No heat, No Growth. Some of the experiences we went through were necessary. But its’ our conscious or unconscious belief of the experience that we hold onto.

Start paying attention to the beliefs that are limiting you.


“Change your World; don’t let the World change you. Change “your” world”
               Don’t allow the world to dictate to ‘you’ your situation.
               “You” start making the decisions….
How does a particular belief allow you to attract what you want in life?
When you reach an obstacle in your path, make sure it’s not being backed up by an ‘old’ belief,
Or an ‘imaginary’ obstacle…We’ll let an imaginary obstacle hold us back from stepping forward.
An important question like:
“What do I want? Or What do you think I should do?” ….Should be answered by ‘you’
“Listen to your voice inside”
You already have the answers that you need to live a life of success.
You already have the answers you need to live a life of completeness and fulfillment.
When you start learning how to ‘hear’ that voice inside you, your life will flourish.
Start learning how to trust yourself. God has already equipped you with what you need to go where you need to go.

"Deliver Yourself"

“Freedom” comes from “Right Knowledge of Self & Through Proper Spiritual Growth"                                                                                                        -Pastor Ray Hagins

We live in a culture where they tell us that our “Help” is gonna come from somebody else.
We need to start becoming OUR OWN Deliverers

When a person comes to grip with the reality of the true knowledge of self, they will be able to address everyone from a place of knowing who they are
~If Religion hasn’t gotten you any further than where you are now, then you need to set that down~
-We as Afrikans, cannot be circumscribed by those who are “Anti-Afrikan”-

Do you know who you are?
Do you know where you came from?
Do you know what you are?
Or are you stuck in this cycle of “I really don't know”

It begins with Spiritual Healing!
“Spiritual Healing” is a pre-requisite for “Spiritual Power”
Power, does not have a color. You either have Power, or you don’t.
When you’ve got Power, you don’t even have to say you’ve got power.

What is Spiritual Healing?
The Restoration of Wholeness, to become whole and complete in your experience.
And when you are whole and complete, you don’t look for others to make you whole or complete.
When you recognize the atmosphere of God you are whole. 

God is Your All and All. You don’t need No One else.
You need to remove the image of a distorted self acceptance.
“When you have to lie to yourself, to accept yourself, about yourself, you in a mess”
“When you know who you are, you find ‘peace’ in being just cool. You live, and let live…”

In the Spiritual Healing process, you cannot afford to have an unquestioned belief in any religious rite or ritual.
We engage in practices without questioning it.
(You cannot afford to be doing that Black Folk )
-Pastor Ray Hagins-

Afrikan Spirituality: The Highest Form of Love, God, Love of Self, and God in us.

“In the Spiritual Healing practice, you become conscious of Truth. 
Truth that YOUR life is the life of the Almighty in you.   
You are not the Almighty, but the Almighty is in You.”

If your mind isn’t right, then you will begin to turn that powerful force that’s in you, into a negative force.

“Death AND Life is in the Power of the Tongue”
Live or Die…
Victory or Defeat…
Which one do you want?
Words are power, and once you SPEAK it, it Exists
Always remember, when you plant a seed, the fruit is much larger…
Mental Spiritual treatment must come after the Spiritual Awakening.
The problem is a lot of people can’t handle the Truth.
If you’re Weak, Admit that you’re weak. You need to accept that reality and do something about that.

Admit your Truth, so you CAN work on it.
A ‘single’ distorted opinion of belief or acceptance, can express as a reality 

WE Need Spiritual Healing, in a big way.

5 points to Remember on the road to Pre-Spiritual Healing:

1.       I must recognize ‘my’ personal union with the Almighty
2.       I cannot allow any compromises or any negotiations with negative energy.
Stop playing with it. Stop tolerating it. “Evil means the denial of good. It is the negative and destructive use of thoughts...even in your own thoughts”
3.       I must face up to my short comings.
(All of us have short comings. The problem is when you don’t want to face up that you have them. Don’t just skim over things. When stuff isn’t right with you, don’t take it out on your mate, or those around you.) Face being out of balance, we ALL go through it. It’s not a crime, it’s to help you remember how human you are. It’s called Growth
4.       I must stop living in denial with the negatives in my life.
(Realize the Truth about myself and those in my environment. Don’t get mad, don’t get angry. Face these things. And in facing them, you’ll learn that you’ll get rid of these things; anger, grudges, bitterness) 

*When you learn to deal with this stuff, you begin to enhance your spiritual power*

5.       Don’t look “outside” yourselves, for the source of your problems.
(When you have ‘peace’, when your inner ‘chi’ is calm, you find that you can handle anything coming your way. You don’t blame others, you look inside ‘yourselves’ and find what it is that’s causing you to be out of balance. Don’t let exterior forces control your power. Realize that there are no enemies in your world. There is NO thing worth your Health.


                                      YOU DON’T NEED ME, “YOU” Deliver Yourself!

 (From the recording of "Deliver Yourself" by Pastor Ray Hagins)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Inspired By : book-halfunread

My Rendition :)

Describe the Color Gold without using the word Gold
It is the color when the sun is blazing the skies at the dusk of 5am to 6am. After closing your eyes from the brightness of the sun around high noon, you still see this color, you still see the shine. It’s the color when you’re getting ready to celebrate some huge milestone, you somehow feel stronger or richer when this color is present.  It is the color of the shimmering glitter on a dancing woman’s party dress. It is the color when you feel in the spirit of motion & magic. It is the expression of the markings left in the midnight skies after a star shoots across it and you make a wish. It is the color for joy. It is the color for riches and wealth. It’s adorned on the heads of Kings & Queens.

What is the color GOLD to you?


Sunday, November 17, 2013

I just finished watching this video:

 7 Ways to Be Strong and Get Loved for IT

That was a whole lot to take in.
Literally, Emotionally, and Psychologically.
It was a wake up to my sleeping state.
Anyone been where I been
Done what I did?
Made mistakes as I have?
Or am I just a mess? Am I just alone?
Feeling lost at times trying to find my way home
It's apparent, I've loved and let love and also lost
I've cried and also tried and been so torn

What do you do when you keep trying and nothing seems to work?

You try harder? Only to fail

Or do you STOP?

Stop the bs, stop the trying, stop the laughter at things you don't really find funny.
Stop pretending to care when you really could care less
Stop the doing, doing for others when they should 'do' for themselves
Take back your time, space and energy
Do what you need to do for "Self"

Yes, "self" After all who knows "you" more than "your-self?"

Stop letting people dictate what you should or shouldn't be doing.
Just "DO" whatever it is that you want to do
(within 'your' BEST Interest, and considering your HIGHER SELF)

You have to be TRUE
You have to be REAL
You have to be FREE
Free to fly, free to do just what it is you came here to do~

"Be FREE my people, BE FREE!!! "

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

Friday, November 15, 2013

Talib Kweli - Get By

“This Morning I Woke up feeling Brand New”

“This Morning I Woke up feeling Brand New”        
  INSPIRED BY :   “Get By”  -Talib Kwalib

Man, I grew up feeling alone; feeling like the world was cold. Feeling like “how am I supposed to defeat the odds?” How am “I” gonna make a difference?
Man, things were tough, but still I endured. I stuck it through. I did what I needed to. I did what I was supposed to. OR at least I thought.

I did what everyone wanted me to. I did what I thought was right after years of programming.
Then, I awoke. I awakened to the endless possibilities and opportunities that were in the front of me.
If I had only taken the time to give ‘myself time’ to pursue my joys and passions, I wouldn’t have endured much grief. I would have been happy and living my life with passion and purpose, not needing any outside influence or approval.

Let us re-connect with our Divine being, Our inner child, our Creative side and Explore.

Explore once more what we always knew, what we always enjoyed. What set us free from worry, what separated us from the pain.What caused us to relax and be in our truest nature. What caused us to be “apart” of this world. What made us feel like we were ‘doing’ something, or being ‘used’ in some way, shape or form to let get our points across in our very own way. There were specific things we did that brought us joy, relief, and peace. 

Let us explore these joys and releases once more.

Let us remember what it means to live and let live :)
To “BE” and Let Others “BE”

As I write, I am freed. Freed from responsibility. Freed from judgment, freed from condemnation, freed from criticism.
Why? Because I’m releasing what comes naturally, what comes freely. So, if I’m free, how can anyone make me feel any other way?

"....And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

"Be You"

Life happens, and takes us through a downward, upward spiral. Elevating and Descending.
Transforming and Creating. Building and Destroying.
However, we control a good portion of our lives. Whether we believe it or not. We have the ability to do as we please; on our own most cases.

We choose the paths our lives take. We determine many of the outcomes by the decisions we make. It's never a surprise, when we're faced with difficult choices because that's a replica of the energy we're emanating. We have the natural instincts that try to guide us internally, but rarely do we remember it.

We choose to immediately come up with a 'plan' or course of action . We stop the course of things. We interrupt Nature's natural unfolding of the natural course of Life..

Sometimes, we should just "be" and in "being" we will be "calm"
And once we're "calm", we'll see everything unfold as they should.
Everything will naturally fall into place once we let go. Let go of the 'outcome". Instead focus on already attaining the "outcome". Feel as if you've already experienced what you envision. Let it come let it go.

Now that we know, we have 'insight' or control as to the direction our lives take, let us now be "mindful" as to the choices we make. Realizing that they directly affect and or determine the outcomes our lives take.
However, what we can't control is the thoughts of others. We can only go with our "present" state of mind or "gut-feeling" during any given moment. We can either choose to 'listen to' or ignore our initial gut feelings or go with an external factor that we have to 'think' of. Some sort of plot to get out of 'it', whatever 'it' may be.

If we were to just trust our "natural instincts", we would avoid many hardships and trials.

We are apart of nature and the order of the universe. We are here for a reason. We are here to fulfill a specific purpose that only 'we' can fulfill.

We have these 'natural' gifts and or talents that seem to keep popping up in our lives.
"They ''pop-up'' because they're trying to remind us of why we're here."  When we meet people in our every day interactions with whom we connect with and they somehow say just the "right" thing to remind us of why we're here, those are signals from the Universe as to what we should be doing...

Let us remember when expressing our gifts and talents with the world, to not hold back. Let the Divine Force have its way and pour out exactly what needs to be poured out until we feel fulfilled and/or accomplished. Our gratitude and happiness comes from people enjoying our 'gifts' and 'talents' that we share.

Once we realize its an even exchange:
 "I share my talents- You Enjoy it - I'm Happy, You're Happy" & Vice Versa, then there's no need for war.

There's an even exchange in monetary value also.

The more 'talents' and 'gifts' you share with the world, the more the world shares with you!
With - "Time" : To express those gifts, and talents
With  - "Money" : To acquire what it is that you desire
With - "Happiness" : True Happiness for Expressing "ALL" that's bottled up inside

It's our Creator's way of saying "Thankyou"

And let us reciprocate the love that we receive so that it can continue to go around.
REMEMBER, once We Stop the Joy, Love, and Appreciation for another's gifts,we do the same for our own.

If we simply Live, Love, Express and Enjoy one anothers gifts, talents, and company, the world will be a better place.

This is why we should be as authentic as possible. Remembering that we ALL make up this beautiful woven fabric called "Life". We are all here to fill this world with our gifts and talents for others to enjoy while we Enjoy theirs~

"We are Spirit Beings Creating or Destroying" 


"....And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"