Saturday, November 23, 2013

Connect with your Heart

The Below Posting is From the Recording from "Pastor Ray Hagins" : "Connect With your Heart"

·         Listen to your Body -----
(It speaks to you every day. Listen to it. Your body is alive; it’s telling you “this is not a good environment for me” or “this doesn’t feel right to me” Your body is telling you listen to me. When you feel “passion” and alive” when your chest feels warm or when you feel joy, that’s your body speaking to you. It’s helping to navigate you through life. Learn to listen to it.
“Your body is saying I love you, but you ain’t loving me” “You’re running me down”
“Learn how to relax and massage yourself at home” Learn to RELAX. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.

We haven’t been taught how to Live.

Learn how to Listen to yourself.

Stop carrying other peoples’ baggage.

Ask yourself this question:
When you die, who’s gone carry their baggage?
Somebody else gonna have to carry it, so why wait ‘til you die? Stop carrying it now.

·         Intuition: “Knowing something without knowing how you know it”
Your gut feelings are a wealth of information for you.
Your Intuition is never wrong. That’s God’s way of guiding you.

The next time you need to make a decision,
Check in with your “Intuition”
-you don’t have to have a discussion
Your intuition already knows. Your intuition simply says ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Experiment with ‘trusting’ your intuition.

When you ‘hear’ it and disregard it, see what happens…
Every time I’ve ignored my intuition, I’ve paid for it….

·         Realize when you are sabotaging your own happiness or progress.
We have our own “saboteur” or voice inside us that prevents us from taking ‘risks’. It prevents us from making the changes in life that we need to be making.
--Notice or recognize when these negatives voices pop up…

·         Identify Beliefs that limit you, and get rid of them
Every one of us has beliefs that we live by, some we hold consciously, and others we hold subconsciously. Some develop through our interpretations of the experiences we go through.
Some of the experiences we go through are like being in a furnace. But nobody wants to go through the testing. No heat, No Growth. Some of the experiences we went through were necessary. But its’ our conscious or unconscious belief of the experience that we hold onto.

Start paying attention to the beliefs that are limiting you.


“Change your World; don’t let the World change you. Change “your” world”
               Don’t allow the world to dictate to ‘you’ your situation.
               “You” start making the decisions….
How does a particular belief allow you to attract what you want in life?
When you reach an obstacle in your path, make sure it’s not being backed up by an ‘old’ belief,
Or an ‘imaginary’ obstacle…We’ll let an imaginary obstacle hold us back from stepping forward.
An important question like:
“What do I want? Or What do you think I should do?” ….Should be answered by ‘you’
“Listen to your voice inside”
You already have the answers that you need to live a life of success.
You already have the answers you need to live a life of completeness and fulfillment.
When you start learning how to ‘hear’ that voice inside you, your life will flourish.
Start learning how to trust yourself. God has already equipped you with what you need to go where you need to go.

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