Sunday, November 17, 2013

I just finished watching this video:

 7 Ways to Be Strong and Get Loved for IT

That was a whole lot to take in.
Literally, Emotionally, and Psychologically.
It was a wake up to my sleeping state.
Anyone been where I been
Done what I did?
Made mistakes as I have?
Or am I just a mess? Am I just alone?
Feeling lost at times trying to find my way home
It's apparent, I've loved and let love and also lost
I've cried and also tried and been so torn

What do you do when you keep trying and nothing seems to work?

You try harder? Only to fail

Or do you STOP?

Stop the bs, stop the trying, stop the laughter at things you don't really find funny.
Stop pretending to care when you really could care less
Stop the doing, doing for others when they should 'do' for themselves
Take back your time, space and energy
Do what you need to do for "Self"

Yes, "self" After all who knows "you" more than "your-self?"

Stop letting people dictate what you should or shouldn't be doing.
Just "DO" whatever it is that you want to do
(within 'your' BEST Interest, and considering your HIGHER SELF)

You have to be TRUE
You have to be REAL
You have to be FREE
Free to fly, free to do just what it is you came here to do~

"Be FREE my people, BE FREE!!! "

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

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