Saturday, November 23, 2013

"Deliver Yourself"

“Freedom” comes from “Right Knowledge of Self & Through Proper Spiritual Growth"                                                                                                        -Pastor Ray Hagins

We live in a culture where they tell us that our “Help” is gonna come from somebody else.
We need to start becoming OUR OWN Deliverers

When a person comes to grip with the reality of the true knowledge of self, they will be able to address everyone from a place of knowing who they are
~If Religion hasn’t gotten you any further than where you are now, then you need to set that down~
-We as Afrikans, cannot be circumscribed by those who are “Anti-Afrikan”-

Do you know who you are?
Do you know where you came from?
Do you know what you are?
Or are you stuck in this cycle of “I really don't know”

It begins with Spiritual Healing!
“Spiritual Healing” is a pre-requisite for “Spiritual Power”
Power, does not have a color. You either have Power, or you don’t.
When you’ve got Power, you don’t even have to say you’ve got power.

What is Spiritual Healing?
The Restoration of Wholeness, to become whole and complete in your experience.
And when you are whole and complete, you don’t look for others to make you whole or complete.
When you recognize the atmosphere of God you are whole. 

God is Your All and All. You don’t need No One else.
You need to remove the image of a distorted self acceptance.
“When you have to lie to yourself, to accept yourself, about yourself, you in a mess”
“When you know who you are, you find ‘peace’ in being just cool. You live, and let live…”

In the Spiritual Healing process, you cannot afford to have an unquestioned belief in any religious rite or ritual.
We engage in practices without questioning it.
(You cannot afford to be doing that Black Folk )
-Pastor Ray Hagins-

Afrikan Spirituality: The Highest Form of Love, God, Love of Self, and God in us.

“In the Spiritual Healing practice, you become conscious of Truth. 
Truth that YOUR life is the life of the Almighty in you.   
You are not the Almighty, but the Almighty is in You.”

If your mind isn’t right, then you will begin to turn that powerful force that’s in you, into a negative force.

“Death AND Life is in the Power of the Tongue”
Live or Die…
Victory or Defeat…
Which one do you want?
Words are power, and once you SPEAK it, it Exists
Always remember, when you plant a seed, the fruit is much larger…
Mental Spiritual treatment must come after the Spiritual Awakening.
The problem is a lot of people can’t handle the Truth.
If you’re Weak, Admit that you’re weak. You need to accept that reality and do something about that.

Admit your Truth, so you CAN work on it.
A ‘single’ distorted opinion of belief or acceptance, can express as a reality 

WE Need Spiritual Healing, in a big way.

5 points to Remember on the road to Pre-Spiritual Healing:

1.       I must recognize ‘my’ personal union with the Almighty
2.       I cannot allow any compromises or any negotiations with negative energy.
Stop playing with it. Stop tolerating it. “Evil means the denial of good. It is the negative and destructive use of thoughts...even in your own thoughts”
3.       I must face up to my short comings.
(All of us have short comings. The problem is when you don’t want to face up that you have them. Don’t just skim over things. When stuff isn’t right with you, don’t take it out on your mate, or those around you.) Face being out of balance, we ALL go through it. It’s not a crime, it’s to help you remember how human you are. It’s called Growth
4.       I must stop living in denial with the negatives in my life.
(Realize the Truth about myself and those in my environment. Don’t get mad, don’t get angry. Face these things. And in facing them, you’ll learn that you’ll get rid of these things; anger, grudges, bitterness) 

*When you learn to deal with this stuff, you begin to enhance your spiritual power*

5.       Don’t look “outside” yourselves, for the source of your problems.
(When you have ‘peace’, when your inner ‘chi’ is calm, you find that you can handle anything coming your way. You don’t blame others, you look inside ‘yourselves’ and find what it is that’s causing you to be out of balance. Don’t let exterior forces control your power. Realize that there are no enemies in your world. There is NO thing worth your Health.


                                      YOU DON’T NEED ME, “YOU” Deliver Yourself!

 (From the recording of "Deliver Yourself" by Pastor Ray Hagins)

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