Friday, November 15, 2013

"Be You"

Life happens, and takes us through a downward, upward spiral. Elevating and Descending.
Transforming and Creating. Building and Destroying.
However, we control a good portion of our lives. Whether we believe it or not. We have the ability to do as we please; on our own most cases.

We choose the paths our lives take. We determine many of the outcomes by the decisions we make. It's never a surprise, when we're faced with difficult choices because that's a replica of the energy we're emanating. We have the natural instincts that try to guide us internally, but rarely do we remember it.

We choose to immediately come up with a 'plan' or course of action . We stop the course of things. We interrupt Nature's natural unfolding of the natural course of Life..

Sometimes, we should just "be" and in "being" we will be "calm"
And once we're "calm", we'll see everything unfold as they should.
Everything will naturally fall into place once we let go. Let go of the 'outcome". Instead focus on already attaining the "outcome". Feel as if you've already experienced what you envision. Let it come let it go.

Now that we know, we have 'insight' or control as to the direction our lives take, let us now be "mindful" as to the choices we make. Realizing that they directly affect and or determine the outcomes our lives take.
However, what we can't control is the thoughts of others. We can only go with our "present" state of mind or "gut-feeling" during any given moment. We can either choose to 'listen to' or ignore our initial gut feelings or go with an external factor that we have to 'think' of. Some sort of plot to get out of 'it', whatever 'it' may be.

If we were to just trust our "natural instincts", we would avoid many hardships and trials.

We are apart of nature and the order of the universe. We are here for a reason. We are here to fulfill a specific purpose that only 'we' can fulfill.

We have these 'natural' gifts and or talents that seem to keep popping up in our lives.
"They ''pop-up'' because they're trying to remind us of why we're here."  When we meet people in our every day interactions with whom we connect with and they somehow say just the "right" thing to remind us of why we're here, those are signals from the Universe as to what we should be doing...

Let us remember when expressing our gifts and talents with the world, to not hold back. Let the Divine Force have its way and pour out exactly what needs to be poured out until we feel fulfilled and/or accomplished. Our gratitude and happiness comes from people enjoying our 'gifts' and 'talents' that we share.

Once we realize its an even exchange:
 "I share my talents- You Enjoy it - I'm Happy, You're Happy" & Vice Versa, then there's no need for war.

There's an even exchange in monetary value also.

The more 'talents' and 'gifts' you share with the world, the more the world shares with you!
With - "Time" : To express those gifts, and talents
With  - "Money" : To acquire what it is that you desire
With - "Happiness" : True Happiness for Expressing "ALL" that's bottled up inside

It's our Creator's way of saying "Thankyou"

And let us reciprocate the love that we receive so that it can continue to go around.
REMEMBER, once We Stop the Joy, Love, and Appreciation for another's gifts,we do the same for our own.

If we simply Live, Love, Express and Enjoy one anothers gifts, talents, and company, the world will be a better place.

This is why we should be as authentic as possible. Remembering that we ALL make up this beautiful woven fabric called "Life". We are all here to fill this world with our gifts and talents for others to enjoy while we Enjoy theirs~

"We are Spirit Beings Creating or Destroying" 


"....And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

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