Monday, February 17, 2014




Wednesday, February 12, 2014


"She has her heads in the clouds, but her feet firmly planted"

"She has her mind on the prize, but her heart set on love"

"She shares with all she meets, and hopes & has belief"

"She may be a dreamer, and has many different views, but her love is pure, strong, set & true"

~She is Divine~

That's what they call her; she has no other name

She is not like anyone else, she is never the same

She is always changing, shifting in time,

But her true, set nature, is always Divine~

She is spirit, She is love, She is fun, She is free

She is timid, She is shy, She is confident, She is me

"She is" ALL these things and more, and she's re-awakening to the love she once had before~

~She is Divine~

-Poem written by Me-

Kindred The Family Soul - Love Has No Recession (feat. Fred Yonnet)

~Feeling a lil' sultry~                               
~Feeling a lil' Lovely~
~Feeling that BLACK Love~
~Feeling that STRONG Love~
~Just Feeling "LOVE"
      "Oh What a Feeling"  
*~* Like sweet "Cheesecake" *~*

~To be wrapped up in the connectedness and oneness of Love~
 ~It's a Beautiful thing, It's a wondrous thing~
~It's a Glorious thing, It's a awesome thing~
             ~To Love and Be Loved~
              ~To express & feel Love~
~To give love freely and receive it back deeply~
~I share it sparingly and honor it wholly~
~I cherish the moments & wait on the next ones~
~I Love "LOVE" and I know it Loves me back~


"They say I'm hopeless, as penny with a hole in it...."
"But I say I'm Hopeful, with an abundance of Love overflowing..."


                            "....SHOW LOVE EACH AND EVERY DAY..."
                   "...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Make Your Own Rules - Trendsetters Ep. 6

I'm Learning ONCE MORE that in order to truly "SUCCEED" & "ENJOY"
WHAT YOU'RE DOING, You MUST step outside the box, and LIVE outside the "boundaries" that you've placed yourself in...




  • ACCOMPLISH a little bit, ONE DAY at a time

  • DO something towards the "GOAL" EVERYDAY!




And you'll get there SOON ENOUGH :)

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

Saturday, February 8, 2014

"I'm Human"

I've "re-incarnated" as a "human" in this life time...
"And so have YOU"

We are all from the Celestial Bodies but chose to participate in this human experience.

We endure hardships in order to grow into greater beings...
We realize the lesson "after" we've endured the hardship

We remember how Great we are AFTER we've overcome the trial

~*The test isn't given at the beginning*~

The test is given after you've learned what was needed to learn...

It's given after a number of people have been placed in your path to show you a higher way...
It's given once God feels you are ready to go onto the next level and/or chapter...

It's up to you, if you've been taking notes and/or have been paying attention
It's up to "you" if you pass the test

If not,
you will repeat it...

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"
