Saturday, February 8, 2014

"I'm Human"

I've "re-incarnated" as a "human" in this life time...
"And so have YOU"

We are all from the Celestial Bodies but chose to participate in this human experience.

We endure hardships in order to grow into greater beings...
We realize the lesson "after" we've endured the hardship

We remember how Great we are AFTER we've overcome the trial

~*The test isn't given at the beginning*~

The test is given after you've learned what was needed to learn...

It's given after a number of people have been placed in your path to show you a higher way...
It's given once God feels you are ready to go onto the next level and/or chapter...

It's up to you, if you've been taking notes and/or have been paying attention
It's up to "you" if you pass the test

If not,
you will repeat it...

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"


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