Wednesday, January 29, 2014

5 years ago....
I began to see "MYSELF" in a new light.
I began to learn about My Ancestors, I began to learn about My Culture, and I began to tell My Story.
I was blinded
I was confused
I was misled

During my Studies, it led me down many paths, brought me to many places, led me to many things...
I've met many people; all of whom were apart of my journey

They shared  in the experiences to help cultivate my thinking
They've broadened my horizon and expanded my knowledge
         Some were good and some were bad
         Some were helpful and some were not
         Through it all, I remembered my "youth"

          I remembered the teachings from "young"
         "To Love & To Forgive One Another"

You see, at the end of the day, Love is the TRUE common denominator for ending ALL war
        To turn an 'ENEMY' into a 'FRIEND'
     To set the HEART FREE from 'misery & pain'

                                                                          To truly Move On and accomplish YOUR Goals, You MUST
LOVE ONE ANOTHER; IT IS true freedom,
It doesn't mean we accept everything someone does;
It DOES mean, that we understand that they TOO are human
It means that we TRUST in God to handle the things we cannot....
It allows HIM to turn our hurts into joy, by placing Love at the forefront of our minds....
    WE have BEEN GIVEN a DIVINE POWER at birth

BUT "WE" have to "REMEMBER" that "Power"....
WE have to call upon God,
WE have to ask for Guidance in dealing with our present hardships
 "Then WE will be shown the way..

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to Me"

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Back in the Day"- Ahmad

"The Times of Old"

I'm "STILL" Learning, To Trust & To Forgive

It's not easy in this world
It takes guts and heart to see past the hurt & pain
To see past 'The fake smiles & the Laughs"

It takes energy, positive energy to have "hope" in a hopeless world
People are always conspiring to "deceive" people

They are always attempting to devise some great plan by doing mischief


What is the end result?

To attain ALL of the Glory and loose your very soul?

Sounds cliché right?

We've been hearing it for centuries...."Don't gain the world, and loose your soul"....

But, what if it's true?

What if we're "attempting" to "get" ALL of these things, and ALL of these "things" still don't make us happy?

We've heard many of stories of those who've achieved riches and fortune, but it only led to their demise.
Or they got the "money" "cars" & the "fame" only to be miserable because they don't know who to trust...

Isn't it sad?

Isn't it lonely?

You can't even hold a decent conversation without thinking is this person out to get me....

What a way to live...

I know one thing,

Family, Loved Ones & Friends are MORE to be CHERISHED than riches or fame.

When my family had LESS, it was the BEST times! We were FORCED to get along, lol

We slept in the same room, we looked out for one another, we had each other's back

We played, laughed & enjoyed each other's company

It was the "SIMPLE" things that brought us pleasure

I smile as I think back on the games we made up just to entertain ourselves....
We played ALL DAY outside, in NATURE, with NO WORRIES

WE didn't care about "what bag" "what house" or "how much money" a person made.
As long as we had food to eat, clothes to wear, and a place to sleep, we were CONTENT.

We were HAPPY


"I dunno", maybe it's just ME...

Maybe I need to "adjust", or "get-with" the TIMES

"This NEW TIME, cause the TIMEs of OLD are in the past"

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"


Saturday, January 18, 2014


How do you show concern nowadays?

How is friendship really displayed?

The world has become so "evolved" that the mere expression of "love" has gotten conscrued.

We've become 'blinded' to realness, oneness, and openness.

We've allowed society to dictate actions of 'expression' as "thirsty", or "sad"...

What has happened with genuine concern?

What has happened with genuine connection?

Yes, one has to maintain a certain level or independency and diplomat when dealing with others, but why second-guess our actions?

What Happened to Real Friendships? What happened to LOVE?

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Nicki Minaj - Fly ft. Rihanna (Lyrics)

I don't know about you, but I know one thing,
I came to Win! I came to Conquer, I came to Fly!  -Nicki said it best!

What ever Gifts, Talents, and or Artistic capabilities you may have,  PLEASE  get it out there.
Share it with the world!

They need it, I need it! We're waiting!   
It's what makes this world go 'round....
We Inspire each other when We Share, when We Create, when We Build.

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"