Wednesday, January 29, 2014

5 years ago....
I began to see "MYSELF" in a new light.
I began to learn about My Ancestors, I began to learn about My Culture, and I began to tell My Story.
I was blinded
I was confused
I was misled

During my Studies, it led me down many paths, brought me to many places, led me to many things...
I've met many people; all of whom were apart of my journey

They shared  in the experiences to help cultivate my thinking
They've broadened my horizon and expanded my knowledge
         Some were good and some were bad
         Some were helpful and some were not
         Through it all, I remembered my "youth"

          I remembered the teachings from "young"
         "To Love & To Forgive One Another"

You see, at the end of the day, Love is the TRUE common denominator for ending ALL war
        To turn an 'ENEMY' into a 'FRIEND'
     To set the HEART FREE from 'misery & pain'

                                                                          To truly Move On and accomplish YOUR Goals, You MUST
LOVE ONE ANOTHER; IT IS true freedom,
It doesn't mean we accept everything someone does;
It DOES mean, that we understand that they TOO are human
It means that we TRUST in God to handle the things we cannot....
It allows HIM to turn our hurts into joy, by placing Love at the forefront of our minds....
    WE have BEEN GIVEN a DIVINE POWER at birth

BUT "WE" have to "REMEMBER" that "Power"....
WE have to call upon God,
WE have to ask for Guidance in dealing with our present hardships
 "Then WE will be shown the way..

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to Me"

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