Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Best Of Me - Anthony Hamilton

                                                     The Best of Me....

Don't "I" deserve to give ME the "best" me possible?
What does that mean? Give "me" the Best "me" possible...

It means "I" need to be focused on being the best ME possible.
It means that I need to focus on creating a life I love by doing what it is that I love
It means that "I" need to be true to my soul and to my being
It means that I need to imagine how my "best" me would look like, and then work towards creating that
It means that I would have to deliberately focus my mind on creating a life that I love,
By picturing in my mind's eye the BEST me possible.

It means that I would have to align my thinking with my actions
Understanding that my thoughts will create my actions

It means that I understand that I and only "I" alone can create my reality
It means that I understand that primarily by my thoughts alone I am able to create my reality

It means that at any given moment I can picture being the BEST me
And in picturing being the best me, I can BECOME it


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