Thursday, March 27, 2014

Something Different

They say if you want something different, then you have to do some things different.

Well, I've been trying; I've been doing, but still I revert -back into my old ways, my old belief patterns, my old belief systems, from time to time...
I mean, how can you not when that's all you know?

Then, they say not to change who you are, but isn't change needed & necessary in order to grow?

"They" say so many things. Who is "they" anyway?

Did we really come into this world with a complete knowing? Or were we taught?

Taught how to act, taught how to react, taught how to respond, and subconsciously taught how to defend ourselves, sometimes we were even forcefully taught how to defend ourselves.

We were "taught" these things.

And depending on which family you were raised in, where you were raised, and how you were raised all determined your responses and reactions to the circumstances in your life.

"It just "feels" right to act this way." "You don't know what I've been through." "You don't know my story." Sounds familiar?

Yeah, we ALL have a story, we ALL have a history, we ALL have a background. We've all had trials & tribulations, we've ALL went through our share of pain & heartache.

We've also ALL shared many great times, many great memories, met some awesome people and developed great relationships & friendships along the way.

We've learned to maneuver, adapt and change. We 'had to' order to grow.

Now, this brings me to the thesis that should we start doing some things differently if what we've been doing has been working? Or do we tweak it a little in order to get what we want?
Or should we completely throw out all we've been taught and start from scratch? How do you do that anyway? How do you unlearn what has been learned & ingrained? How do you erase what has become "a part of"? Is it even possible?

Didn't all of those experiences, decisions, actions and reactions bring you to the place & point of where you are at today?

Didn't they shape and mold you into the person you've become?

The real question is, if you are happy with your decisions thus far, then why change?

If not, then change. Since we now see how important our choices are and how they will eventually affect & mold the person we are to become shouldn't we then make some decisions leading us into the direction we are trying to go?

                                                     "Just some food for thought..."

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