Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sade - When Am I Going To Make A Living

~You Will Make a "Living" when you start to "LIVE" ;
 When YOU start to DO what you were PUT here to DO~


"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

Thursday, December 12, 2013

War Of Hearts

"War of Hearts" -Russell Taylor

Well, can't say I didn't try

I tried
I'm trying
I'm Learning
I'm growing, slowly slowly, but surely
it may not be apparent but it's true
it doesn't happen over night
it takes time
time to release
time to trust
time to open up,
But I'm trying
Everything is real, everything is true
MY Truth
Just as I trust "your" truth I trust that you'll trust mines
Please see my truth
Please feel my peace
It's True
It's Real
It's ME
And in time you'll see more
More of me, more of who I am
More of my truth, more of my pain, more of my joy
MORE, but more... takes time

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

Ledisi Higher Than This (+playlist)

"I release by Writing"

Again, I can't sleep and can't seem to find what to do~
Anyone ever had that feeling?
Anyone ever felt so many things at once that you're unclear or unsure of what to do?
So many thoughts, so many views, so many voices...
"crazy?"... "no, just lost in thoughts"
((sometimes that happens))
So, I release by writing
I release by relaxing,
I write whatever comes to mind
scatter ' it may seem, "heck it probably is!" lol
But I don't care,  It IS the TRUTH

It is "MY TRUTH"

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"

Friday, December 6, 2013


So many, so many
When will they end? Never
and they have every right no to.
Why? How else would we learn. How else would we grow?
If we didn't have things to make us think. Things to make life fun. Make life interesting.
That's what life is about. Growth.
Truth. Freedom.
The possibility for anything!
Sometimes we get distracted. We loose sight. Sight of the visions that we had for our lives.
The visions that God gave us & showed us. We don't know how, or why we go through what we do, but we somehow get through it. We somehow make it out, alive.
We give thanks for the experiences and vow not to go down the same road again.
Yet somehow we find ourselves encountering similar situations, feeling similar feelings, going down the same path.
How do we break the chain? How do we end the cycle?
We keep moving. We stay the course. We focus, once more on what is inside.
We give thanks for the Lessons, and we give thanks for the Teachers, and we look forward towards tomorrow~

"...And as I speak to you, I also speak to me"