Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sooo....It's been a while~

Ok, what do you do when it's two in tha mornin', and u can't sleep? You write!
Write whatever comes to mind...
Sooo, that's what I'm gonna do... ;o)
Ok, .... ok
Well, lol, I don't really know what 2 say ;/ ;}
Let me start by saying how Blessed I am! :) I give thanks for another day and the opportunity to give thanks~
I give thanks for being able to breathe. I give thanks for being able to see :)
I am growing and learning everyday~
I am seeing life how I want to see it. I do not allow anyones perception of life to distort my own.
I follow my own intuition and gutt.
I realize my potential and am pursuing my goals.
I am accomplishing what I set out to do, one step at a time.
Every experience is meant to teach me something.
I experience whatever I want to experience. Meaning, I create the visions in my mind, and they manifest themselves accordingly.
I have to be careful of what I picture in my "minds' eye", for it will surely come to pass~
I have learned to speak my mind, and be myself. My truest self.
I trust myself.
I love myself.
I respect myself, and others.
I honor myself. And others.
I carry myself in a way that reflects my taste. I love to dress. I love to create. I love to imagine...and experience life on my own terms :*}

I believe in the good in others.
I give others an opportunity to be themselves.
I respect their decisions. If one chooses a path for themselves, who are we to get upset or to judge that path?
We ourselves would like for others to respect our, let's do the same for them.

~~I am excited for my future~~
I look forward to tomorrow, but am still aware of today...and the days' possibilities/opportunities*